What is Transformational Change?

We define four levels (4) of coaching and trainings and have decided to focus on the third level, the transformational level of change.

1 – Transactional, i.e. coaching and training on a conscious level working on what to do in order to make a change.

2 – Transitional, i.e. coaching and training working on conscious level working on how to make a change.

3 – Transformational, coaching and training working with the subconscious levels to make sustainable change.

4 – Transcendental, i.e. coaching and training working on the unconscious levels of change, beyond human consciousness.

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is placed on the transformational level of change and is the foundation of our work. NLP Is today considered one of the most respected and sought-after change and communication techniques in the world. We define NLP as a study of mastery which revels the secret behind success for communication, human behavior and the process that controls it.

Transformational Coaching

Transformational Trainings

NLP Diploma


NLP Practitioner


NLP Master Practitioner

Take the first step

Our vision

Tailored Solution

We want to understand how our brains work, how we shape thoughts, how we learn, motivate ourselves and how we can change. NLP helps us understand how people receive information and how we process it, how it’s reflected in our behaviour. NLP is the key to opening and solving the puzzle of how to realize your moods and states of consciousness, and thus on the ability to influence the results of your efforts in life.

After completing your NLP Coach Training, you can start independent consulting work. You can also join our group of coaches who work for the good of the people and gain experience, clients, and become an indispensable part of our team.

“Create a better everyday life for the many people by offering transformational coaching and trainings.”


Do you want to become a coach?

The program is designed according to the INLPTA guidelines with which you can obtain a license for independent work in NLP coaching and the possibility of membership in the international organization INLPTA, which provides the highest standards in the field of NLP.

The coach guides the client to make useful and positive decisions. To change when necessary, enable him to achieve goals, develop, realize his talents, and acquire skills to work with people.

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What Our Clients Say

Some kind words from our respected clients


Dennis is a person who with his presence, enthusiasm, incurable optimism and belief in your own capacity both challenges and casts a stable foundation of conviction in his clients. He has a great deal of humor, which means that even difficult and heavy subjects become harmless and he has an ability to talk about what is difficult in an easy and accessible way.

Jessica Eidemo,
Founder and CEO

“Contribute value”

Dennis is an extremely humble person and has the ability to always contribute value in all meetings. Dennis’ way of creating security and confidence and always turning problems into opportunities makes him valuable and successful in his role as a coach.

Kajsa Urheim,
Founder and CEO

“Positive attitude!”

Dennis has coached me in my efforts to start up a small scale business in the field of outdoor adventures. Dennis is not as nerdy as I am when it comes to outdoor and wilderness activities, but he could nevertheless completely understand my situation and coach me to defining my own goals and what actions to take when setting up my company.

Joakim Ekendahl,
Business owner and Adventurer